The Group's first power plant, currently being developed by Facor Power, is a 100MW coal based thermal CPP. The Randia Plant is situated on 90.57 acres of land adjacent to the FACOR Group’s Orissa ferro alloys plant and is approximately 4 kilometres from the Orissa PGCIL’s grid sub-station. The Randia Plant consists of three boilers and two TG sets. The first boiler and TG set are already operational and are providing 38 MW of power to the FACOR Group's ferro alloys plant at Randia. The second boiler and TG set will bring the total capacity of the plant to 75MW and is expected to be operational by the first quarter of 2012. The third boiler, which will allow the Randia Plant to operate at its full 100MW generating capacity, is expected to be installed and be fully operational by the end of 2012.

Design and Delivery

Equipment for the Randia Plant has been sourced from a range of established manufacturers including Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Thyssenkrupp Industries India Private Limited, ABB Limited and Thermax Limited, all well – known suppliers to the thermal power industry. Fichtner Consulting Engineers (India) Private Limited was appointed as the consulting engineers to design all engineering aspects of the Randia Plant, including the preparation of a DPR. The scope of Fichtner’s appointment in relation to the Randia Plant also includes supervision of the project implementation, with day-to-day project implementation being undertaken by the in-house project management team of the Group. REC (the debt provider to the Randia Plant) has also appointed L&T-Sargent & Lundi Limited as its engineer to review and monitor certain technical aspects of the Randia Plant

Coal supply

The Group has a fuel supply agreement with Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. to supply 235,000 TPA of coal from the Talcher mines of MCL for a period of five years from August 2011 which will automatically be renewed every five years thereafter, provided the plant is still in operation. This fuel supply agreement provides sufficient fuel for the capacity authorised under Phase I (45MW). For the balance 55 MW FPL has applied for linkage coal which is expected to allotted shortly. In the interim FPL has signed a FSA with K.R.Enterprises for supply of minimum of 125,000 metric tonnes and a maximum quantity of 250,000 metric tonnes for a period of one year commencing on 29 September 2011.


CSR Initiatives

We, at FACOR, believe that we have a responsibility towards our community and we shall endeavor to shoulder that responsibility. As part of our CSR Initiatives, we have built science block “D P Saraf Science Block” within the campus of Rameshwar Mahavidyalaya situated in Randia, Bhadrak District, Orissa. The science block is named after our Founder Late Shri. Durga Prasad Ji Saraf. The building will be inaugurated shortly.

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Power off-take

Facor Power has entered into PPA with Ferro Alloys Corporation Ltd (FACOR) for a 20 year term, during which term Facor is obliged to purchase a minimum of 51 percent of the power generated from the Randia Plant at a price of RS 3.40 per kWh, subject to an annual price escalation mechanism affording FPL the protection from increases in the cost of fuel supplies above a base price of Rs 950 per tonne. The remaining capacity generated by the Randia Plant is expected to be sold on merchant basis.

Facor Power Plant Tour

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